No Ad faucet

Enjoy our once daily ad free faucet

You must have a FaucetPay USDT address to claim!

333% Pay Boost!

We are seeing if ad free faucets can be sustainable like the old days. We don't like ads either and think its annoying.

Through personal non scam and real investments I am able to recieve 5%-20% yields that I can donate to the faucet. We plan to stay ad free through referral and donation income if needed as well. Check next tab for how to increase payouts.

The more people use our referral links and donate the more I can pass to the faucet. For example the site generates $10,000 in yearly income, I generate a 20% return ($2,000) yearly, the site pays out 1000 claims per day. The claim increase would be roughly $0.00548 per claim ($2,000/365,000) or yearly returns divided by yearly claims. The amount changes based on amount of users, returns, and donations. But we promise to stay 100% ad free regardless.

We currently support paying 1000 users at 0.00333USD per 24 hour claim. We will adjust based on user demand and site income

[USDT] Balance: 304755648 satoshi

333713 satoshi every 1440 minutes.
1 daily claims left.

Check out our Donate page to help us grow the faucet!

Earn an extra $1 USDT via CWallet by signing up and depositing with Webull, MooMoo, Robinhood, TradeUp, or Public on the Brokers tab and contact us via contact page for varification and CWallet ID

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Recent Payouts

TEfTiF1eSdW5qURTTA3g8wiYHA2T3YKyD8333713 satoshi
TTwvJQKieqLtCvCDtnqsBv16V2LwhmqBQV333713 satoshi
THQ2VBKefqEFaLb7juAvUu4WnTwjey7Jpb333713 satoshi
TL8n7WphF1fd2NXtuXuf7uJ72Ev3juVK8A333682 satoshi
TCsD42mmNi7TU395mhJBbrhTgztLWtjvgJ333689 satoshi
TNfD2Y1Cv1ShQt4kmDzkgTMzkxQH6Ca8Kq333689 satoshi
TYVq96NFKp2Tu27a4PdLqk2k8u7s4ReqwF333753 satoshi
TAtJPham9mrKYVG55dJR98L8et5CNucwzD333753 satoshi
TADWix5yPh96ccdozpcMvptWiio6e5ZxZH333742 satoshi
15B2Ei7L226LvhmgHLE41gteSEgCh2Lbja333708 satoshi

Referral link:

Share this link with your friends and earn 20% referral commission
📒 Total referred users: 87

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